Sunday, December 5, 2010

My Life As I See It - Orgins of This Blog

It has been over a year and a half since I started my own blog. While there isn't a post every single day like in the beginning, I still make a post often, ranging from music videos, pictures, and also random vlogs and things of that nature.

Since I wear hats on the regular, and have a good collection of them, I would have people ask me 'How many hats do you have?"

I didn't have a number on the amount that I had, but I knew I had a good sized collection, in different colors and styles, so I figure I should showcase my hat collection to my friends and the world, if they can view it that is. A few of my friends did the blog thing, and I tried to join them in, but they pretty much stopped, and now don't have the website up anymore. So I guess it was really done on a whim,  but I started up my blog, and put a bunch of videos up on youtube, really just to show my friends my collection of fitted hats, rant about random shit along the way, and to show the pictures I would take on a night out and what not.

So I guess you can thanks the people that used to run COUNTERFITTIN.COM for not doing much, and my selection of fitteds for the source of inspiration for the start of a good thing to come.

Quote to go by:

"Talent is God given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful." - John Wooden

1 comment:

  1. Dear Van,
    You've inspired me to take a a turn in life and to document my life as I know it - I am going to start blogging though I don't know what to blog about, I think I am going to chronicle my life and loves. thanks man!
