Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sergeant Fu - Vuvuzela

This is a song about Vuvuzelas, the horns that fans have been blowing nonstop during World Cup games, sounding like a swarm of killer bees. I think its pretty much the same deal like thundersticks and other various noisemakers over the years. I think it works ok in sporting events, but I'm surprised people dont stop blowing them, its annoying after a lil bit.
In fact, after watchin The Boondocks on Adult Swim last week, they were playing this noise during their commercials and now is stuck in my head. Now youtube had even added a feature on some of their videos. If you click on the soccer ball on the bottom right corner of the video, it makes the Vuvuzela noise, which is like a mixtape DJ, and ruined the song when they yell in the song. BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

1 comment:

  1. Hey Thanks for posting the blog! You can check out the Music Video for Vuvuzela at this link:
