Monday, April 20, 2009

My Opinion on "420"

No V-Blog on this, but here are my feelings about "420" and "marijuana" in general
  • Don't understand why 420 is the number that is known as "weed day". Its not even in the Police Code for numbers they use to explain the crime
  • Finds it a bit amusing that it has to be done at 4:20 pm on this day, like its new year's or some shit
  • Some will point out that this day in history is A) Adolf Hilter's Birthday & B) Columbine High School shooting in 1999
  • Never tried the shit, been around it, but never smoked any myself. Don't plan to even smoke it, considering the fact I don't smoke normally expect maybe a cigar or two in the year
  • I personally feel that it should be legalized, and regulated like tobacco by the federal government; selling to those 18+, in stores that specialized in the product (akin to a cigar shop), and would at least get a compromise on this "War on Drugs"
That just my personal feelings about the matter, so to those they chose to "blaze it up" or whatever saying you want to use, WHATEVER DUDE. I wont partake ever, and look for that "natural high" by living my life to how I see it play out.

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