Monday, January 16, 2017

Dallas Trip Day 3

Final day here in Dallas. So once again, another recap of the day's events:

  • Woke up, took a shower and packed up before leaving the hotel.
  • Ate at Bubba's. Missed out on the breakfast, but they are known for their fried chicken. I got the catfish and chicken tenders with some black-eyed peas. They were also gracious to give us a sample of their chicken fried steak, so another free piece of food. 
  • Hit up the outlets. Got me a pair of shoes for under retail, and they were very comfy, which was a pleasant surprise.
  • We then drove to another outlet which was close to the airport. One thing they had that I've never seen before was they had an area with a bunch of basketball courts with several youth league games going on inside the mall. Then ate at Chilli's to watch the Packers-Cowboys game before leaving to the airport.
  • At the airport, there was a lightning and tornado warning, so the flight was delayed for around 3 hours. During the delay, we befriended a girl named Kyle. She was college student, so it was cool to meet her. It also helped passed the time since it was a new experience. 
  • Got home later than expected, but got home safe. Unpacked my luggage and went to bed after that
Always a good time to share memories and experiences with those close to you and enjoyed all the things that happened on this particular trip, as well as the new people I met along the way. 


Club Lounge at the airport

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