Dude 1 - Aye, would you fuck a girl if she was really fine, but had no hands?
Dude 2 - Like a nub, or just missing her hands?
D1- Just no hands, everything else is good.
D2 - Is she a white girl?
D1- Sure, doesn't matter, she whatever, thats not the point though...
D2 - So she like really really hot, like I would want to fuck her if she did had hands?
D1 - Well no shit, 'course I would if she was normal chick, but I'm saying bitch has no hands...
D2 - ummm... I guess I would, but it would be weird to me
D1 - Of course, thats the point, but hey, if she could suck a dick too, that works for me...
D2 - True that.
Now you may be thinking "(Really) What the Fuck" but its true. Now this is just a simple example of what is said, but this really goes along the lines, and probably in more extreme choices, that under rational thought, would never deal with. We think of a lot of random dumb shit constantly, and talk about it with those who are close to us, cause it doesn't seem as odd as if you just met a total stranger and talked to him about it. However, in the right setting, that conversation wouldn't be as far fetched, and its amusing how serious the topic could get, or how it can go from one subject to a whole different tangent, and be like, "How did it get to this point?"
I had a friend who happens to be female asked me and my friends how we hold our penis when we pee. She gave a couple of options (cup it or hold it like its a cigarette). Her boyfriend seem a bit embarrassed to say anything, and thought that the rest of us wouldn't tell her. He was wrong, and we told her straight up. Most of us had to think about it for a moment, but it just one of daily routines that you do without much thought. I said one thing, only to realize that I really in fact do it the other way.
I guess the point I'm gettin at is what one thinks about and how comfortable they are about it when they are around people who they feel share a similar opinion, and how confident they are to present it to others. A lot of intresting stuff has been discuss with my and my friends when we just "shoot the shit" chillin together.
Quote to go by:
"Everybody wants to be a nigga, but nobody wants to be a nigga" (Paul Mooney from Chappelle's Show)
Chappelle's Show | ||||
Ask a Black Dude - Walking | ||||
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