Sunday, January 30, 2011

Happy Birthday Christy Keoseng

She turns 25 years old, aka Diddy's sister haha. A few pics over the past couple of years.

At Body English in Vegas 2009

At Tryst during the 09 Vegas Trip

Spitfire in spring 2010

Friday, January 28, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

J Pinder - Up Side Down

J. Pinder - New Music - More Music Videos

Click on this link for MTVU and vote for the video, one of my friends is involved in this project, and to rep Seattle as well

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Super Bowl XLV

Matchup is now set, with the Pittsburgh Steelers playin against the Green Bay Packers at Cowboy Staduim in Arlington, Texas on Febuary 6, 2011 at around 3:30PM PST on FOX. Goin to be a whole lot of yellow, since that is one of the colors for both teams.

For those gamblers out there, the early line has the Packers favored by 2 points. For those who care about the music; Christina Aguilera will sing the Star-Spangled Banner, and the Black Eyed Peas will perform at the halftime show.

Get ready for the food, beer, all them commercials to watch, and of course, the game itself.

I hope Green Bay wins, since I dont fuck with the Steelers, although I do like some of the guys on the team, so I think the score is goin to be 23-16 with the Packers bringing back the Vince Lombardi Trophy home.

How to Get Girlies on the Facebook

Great Profile Pic... Lava Lamp On... This dude probably eats all the grenades and other explosives. Possible Chris Hanson watch too.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Fitted of the Day #97

New Era NHL San Jose Sharks "Cement Print" Black/Blue Sz 7 3/8

Happy Birthday Bao Duong

His real birthday was on January 20th, and tonight is his celebration for his 26th. Here are few pics of the birthday kid

At the Seahawks Game back in 2009

Back in 2007 for my birthday bash, on that Stomp The Yard Shit

From his birthday dinner last year at Saigon Palms

Friday, January 21, 2011

Deion Sanders - Must Be The Money

Would you called this Swagger before it became "swagger" as kids nowadays see it Song back in 1994

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Cam'Ron - Curtis Part 1 and 2

This used to be one of my ringtones back in the day, when I had a different phone. Forgot how funny this shit was back in the day

Part ONE

Part TWO

Monday, January 17, 2011

Martin Luther King Day

While his real birthday is on January 15, today is a celebration of a man who help shape the path for change in US history. Today is the 25th anniversary that this holiday has been established, and it wasn't until 2000 that this is a holiday that is observed in all 50 states. For more info, you can just wiki about it. 

Two things that he is known for to this day is his famous "I Have a Dream" Speech and that each state has a MLK street sign

Sunday, January 16, 2011

New Year's Eve Celebration Pics

This was from New Year's Eve at the "Cute's House". Instead of goin out to the clubs and gettin stuck in traffic, I spent it with some good friends, and met some new people along the way, and well for me, it was a bad ending to a good night. Here are a few pics from that night.

To check out the rest of the pictures, click on my PHOTOBUCKET

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Force M.D.'s - Tender Love

I thought another group sang this song, but there are several renditions of this, so thats probably what it is

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Throwback Pic - Seahawks Fan

This was back in 2008, when the Seahawks were in the playoffs for the 07-08 season. I went to the Mustard Seed in Bellevue to watch the game with a few homies and the Seahawks beat Redskins 35-14 that day.

Thought of the Day...

If you haven't noticed recently, its to the right on my site. It pretty much a daily quote by motivational speaker Ralph Marston. You can click on that box to check out his site, or go to The Daily Motivator

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Jay-Z feat Twista, Killer Mike, Big Boi - Poppin Tags

From the Blueprint 2: The Gift and the Curse. I guess with my friends, this is like one of my theme songs in life

Blue and Green

Song done by T.N.T. The Natural Truth with Smiley G. Go Seahawks

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Throwback Pic - 7th Grade Crew

This is from middle school with some of the homies, along with a few random people as well. I think this was during lunchtime, and I'm not sure what it was for, but I guess it was like a friendship photo type of shit, but does bring back some memories. Man do I look young in this pic, although I was already growing out facial hair at this point in time.

Marshawn Lynch Beast Mode

During the 2010 Playoffs vs the Saints to help win the game at Qwest Field 1/8/11

Friday, January 7, 2011

Jennifer Hatcher Brooks on TV

 This is a girl I went to school, and graduated high school together and pretty much went our separate ways, as with like the other 95% of kids I knew from high school. She was featured on TLC "Say Yes to the Dress" which premiered at 9:30 pm tonight. Unfortunately I missed most of the episode, and I hope to find a video so I could check it out and also post on the blog. The link below is a local hometown article that talks about her experience on the show. Hope all is well for you and your family Jennifer.

Bride with Bellevue roots says yes to the dress

Throwback Pic - Walkin With Stewie

This was taken back in 2007 when I went to New York City with Tony to visit his half sister and also Sammy who was living there at the time. I won this playin some random ball game, but I did blow some decent dough for it too. I was gettin a whole lot of looks with this plush toy, walking around NYC with it throughout the day.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

My Life As I See It - New Year's Resoultions

Now I'm not really one to really set any goals or have set changes just cause its a "new year". Rather, I feel that each day there is room for growth and improvement. I remember words that my coach told us, each day you get better or you get worse. There are those days where its less than stellar, but you also learn each day and even from the mistakes that you make in life, the next moment is an opportunity to adjust and adapt to all of life's situations. This is is a little different, so here are a few things I would like to happen in my life within the new year:

  • Job promotion; whether it is within the bank or otherwise
  • Learn to speak Vietnamese better
  • Get involved with a committed relationship 
  • Travel to somewhere I haven't been before
  • Improvements on diet habits and fitness
  •  After New Year's Eve, not to get that wasted where I used racial slurs and fuck up my attire, but that was in 2010, so I should be good for the year
  •  Learn to better save my money, and not to "pop tags" nearly as much as I do

I will touch on each of these more in depth in another post. But since I didn't say it yet here, Happy New Year to everybody, and Lunar New Year is coming soon.


"Alcohol - The cause of and solution to... all of life's problems" (Homer Simpson)

ISV Dominican Republic Experience

I remembered when asked about what I did when I went to the Dominican, I couldn't really give a good answer, cause there was so much that I did and see when I was there back in 2005. This video, although with different set of kids. Watchin this video does bring back very fond memories of my experience there.

International Students Volunteers (ISV) is a organization that allows college students to travel abroad to various countries all around the world spending a month in that country by helping the community, and then travel all over that country on an adventure tour.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Oprah Presents: Master Class

This is a show that is on Oprah's new tv network, the OWN, which features Jay-Z, as he talks about his life experiences and how he is able to apply the life lessons he learned from being alive to shape the way he is today. Its a 3 part video, about 12 mins each.

Uploaded by 3030fm. - Discover videos of people, family and friends.

Uploaded by 3030fm. - Family events, birthdays and parenting videos.

Uploaded by 3030fm. - Discover videos of people, family and friends.

2010 Year in Review

Taking a look back with pictures over the past year. I tried to do at least one for each month of the year, but there are a couple that I can't find, or just dont have.

January - First Day of the new year for Love's real birthday bash
January - In Portland to celebrate Daigo's birthday
February - Getting ready for Donna's birthday

April - At Spitfire, a whole lot of people were there that night

May - My trip to Tokyo, visiting one of the temple, and a field trip, and a wedding going on

July - The infamous pool party, which had my parents banning my friends from coming over again

July - For James Tan Birthday
August - Nice summer day to play outside on the sidehack
September - Me and the fellas in Vegas for Emo Pete's Birthday Bash
October - Halloween weekend long celebration, this is Friday Night at Trinity
November - During the Thursday Night College Football game with UW beating UCLA on "BlackOut" Night
December - Christmas Cheer with the family

Cmon Son 2010 The year in Review!

Robert Burns - Auld Lang Syne

Happy New Year... Goodbye 2010, Welcome 2011